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Blue Taper Candle

Blue Taper Candle


Regular price $1.50 USD
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Our 4-inch Blue Taper Candles, offered in packs of 1, 5, and 10, are meticulously crafted for spiritual practices, invoking calm, peace, blessings, and divine connection. With a burn time of up to 3 hours per candle, these serene blue candles serve as powerful tools for various intentions, including meditation, tranquility, communication with higher realms, and seeking blessings.

The soothing blue hue of these candles symbolizes tranquility and spiritual harmony, making them perfect for rituals aimed at fostering inner peace, serenity, and blessings. Blue candles are commonly used to facilitate communication with the divine, promoting spiritual insight, clarity, and guidance.

Individually or in a set, these 4-inch Blue Taper Candles channel focused intentions, resonating with the calming energy of spiritual connection and serenity. Available in packs of 1, 5, and 10, these candles enrich your spiritual practices, infusing them with the serene essence of tranquility, divine connection, and blessings.

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